New Media Communications 2.0: A Great Good Place for the Theological Community 

Servant Leadership

Local classes begin weekly September 14, 1995 (this is now over, of course, but they still meet there......see

The Servant Leadership School wants to nurture a Christian leadership in which a life of prayer, confession and forgiveness in community is intiately united with a life of ministry among the inner-city poor. The Servant Leadership school offers a unique opportunity to pursue a spiritual journey in which unceasing prayer and committed service can be lived as the two inseparable qualities of the call of Jesus.

Henry Nouwen, Author and Activist

An ecumnical Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky group is organizing local classes in conjunction with the Servant Leadership School of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C . The School seeks to create an atmosphere where each participant can journey into the depths of their being and discover a sense of their own belovedness. As we journey inward, we encounter our own brokenness fostering, in turn, compassion for the pain of others. This compassion moves us to respond to the despair and chaos around us, drawing us into community with the poor and outcast.

T'he School seeks to foster an environment in which each participant can grow in faith, compassion and understanding; encounter the depths of Jesus Christ in scripture, prayer and community; and be led to the particular work, both inward and outward, to which they are called by God. Classes begin with dinner and prayer, are based on weekly (book) readings and led by a facilitator. We will meet weekly on Thursday evenings, 6:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m., September 1995 to June 1996 to cover a core curriculum which includes:

Introduction and Basic Themes of Servant Leadership Community

Called to Follow

Spiritual Autobiography


Contextual Statement of the City

Divine Power in Contrast to Worldy Power

Baptism as the Beloved Child

The Dream of God


Being with the Poor and Excluded

Forming Mission Tearns

These core courses provide a foundation. Additional offerings (see reverse side), include elective classes, retreats and weekend workshops. These will help provide a context in which we seek to integrate our understandings and express these in the church and in the world- Our curriculum- is rooted in:

  1. a deepening belonging to God
  2. a deepening discipleship to God
  3. a deepening experience of the communion of the Holy Spirit
  4. a deepening experience of solidarity with all persons, especially the poor and oppressed
  5. an honest engagement with the powers that distort and diminish community.

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Mail me comments, suggestions, warnings, flames, whatever  This site maintained and researched by Dale Lature, Lavergne, TN