A question about authoritarianism and spirituality
A reader of the Celestine Prophecy asks me what I think (I haven't read it)
One reassured by efforts to link spirituality with others
A WIRED article author responds to my inquiries
A fellow Seminary grad and fellow journeyer
Further dialogue from a prior note from the "Negative Comments/Challenges" page
Thankful for my "non-formulaic" expressions
Appreciation for Biblical basis
Likes the "non-linear" version of "What is a Christian"
A fellow SBTS graduate from way back (even before me)
A fellow Web page author compliments me
Thinking about ministry; found identification here
New Links added in various places to NMC
How Fundamentalists have good community
Comments on those who seem to try to "usurp" authentic religion
Words about other religions seeing God in terms of their culture
A Creation Spirituality fan and a reference to another link
Requesting my listing their page
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