
help and opportunity

I am a Christian who is part owner of a job/resume company called Global
Job Net. http://www.globaljobnet.com/

FIRST IF you have any congregants who are unemployed, and fit into
the skilled, professional or technical fields I would be pleased to
advertise their resumes on the internet for a year for **free** since I 
do not yet have a franchisee in your area. This may only be a limited 
time offer, so please have any unemployed folks send their resumes soon. 
I'll send any job leads that come their way to your e-mail address.

I got the idea for our system while praying to God for help in finding a
new career. After an amazing amount of adversity, the system is now up.

Meanwhile we are looking for local franchisees across North America.

There is no fee to be a Global Job Net franchisee, or any hidden costs.

All people have to do is sell resume/job/business opportunity, and
consultant ads.  We figure that local people know their communities
better than we do. And it is fair that they should keep most of the
dollars from sales.

While we don't have any 'perfect' candidates in mind, if they are
Christian then it is a big plus. As well, a background in sales, or
human resources or good business contacts and an understanding of the
Net are also helpful.

If you know of someone in your congregation who might benefit from having
their resume advertised on our service or someone who might wish to
become a franchisee, please have them give me a call
at 613-599-5335 or they can reach me at home at 613-828-6986.  Our
fax number is 613-599-8067.

If you do not know of someone, just please ask for God to bless our

Thank-you for taking the time to read this

God bless.
