
Unrequested URL Submissions

I am writing to Michael Koehler <mkoehler@interlog.com> to say that it is not 
proper to make a decision that affects other people without getting their 
permission first.  In this case, the decision was to put all of our names in a
web page with a form to send out URL Submissions to maintainers of Christian 
Web Pages, located at:

Certainly you must have had good intentions in mind, including no doubt to 
provide a place where people can make their web sites known and to provide a
way for new link sites to be more quickly circulated in popular web sites. 
And clearly you've put a lot of hard work into finding, categorizing, and
rating different pages.

The problem is that you're assuming authority over others that you don't have:
making a decision affecting them, and then saying that any questions can be
directed to you.  Please learn from this.  There's a proper way to go about
things in a way that shows respect (and hence love) for your brothers and

I don't know how many of these 44 other people that have been getting these
URL Submissions gave their permission to put their e-mail addresses on your
form.  My hope is that I am the exception, perhaps because of an oversight. 
But I believe this is unlikely.

In any case, for me personally, while I welcome URL submissions in general, I
have little time to keep up the ones that I already get, since I only check my
e-mail periodically.  Indeed, I have a several month backlog of link
suggestions.  So I'd like you to please take my name off the e-mail form on 
your web page.

Please find out from these other people whether or not they want to be
included on your form page.  I'm sure that many of them would love to be,
particularly the maintainers of "Large Indices" (750+ Sites).  Others may not
want to be.

For me, if you wish to make me a list of URL Submissions you get for a given
month or two, including the links for Bible resources, commentaries and 
devotionals, and major christian pages, I give you permission to send me that
at the rate of once per month.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not upset with you; neither is my world going to
collapse.  This was only a minor annoyance for me.  Rather, my goal is for you
to learn consideration and respect for others, just as I have had to.


Aaron Cardenas
Maintainer of Virtual Christianity: