Re: Your web page
To: Dale Lature <dlature@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Your web page
From: "WARD/AL" <othello@iac.net>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 1996 08:21:11 +0000
Comments: Authenticated sender is <othello@mail.iac.net>
Priority: normal
> I thought maybe a simple imagemap with the four sections, each going to
> their own page, and branching out from there.
I'm pretty sure IAC charges about $5 for the 'privilege' of having
image maps. I'm not sure if this is per image map or what, but I
think it's highly irritating. It goes right up on my list of things
I don't like about IAC, like how I won't be billed for 3 months, then
get a bill for $100.
> The graphics I want to begin to do more with soon. I just found out tonight
> from a guy who is the multimedia director for Image Matrix her ein
> Cincinnati that Adobe has a program called "Page Mill" that is a drag and
> drop Web authoring package that seems to have some really good features.
> I'm going to look up Adobe's page and check it out. The only thing about it
> is that it does not support HTML 3.0 yet (but I'm sure that's coming).
I'm not sure exactly what you'd like to end up doing on the Web, but
I would learn the hard-core HTML before getting into a WYSIWYG
editor. There is more to the pages than having the graphics look
just so. But I guess it depends on how you learn best. I learned a
lot by finding a lot of HTML how-to's on the Web (much more up to
date than the books seem to be). And any time I see something cool,
I look at the source to see how they did it.
> I'll check on that. From what Harold tells me, we may all have some
> one.net accounts soon, and so they may be a better help for CGI stuff. I
> also have a book HTML and CGI UNleashed by December (whom you
> mentioned.....I visit his resource pages quite often. He does a lot of good
> stuff) I also bought WWW Unleashed a year or so ago (Nov94)when it first
> came out.
It's hard to go wrong with John December's stuff. If you get a
corporate account with OneNet, you'll get access to CGI. But even if
ACS does a deal with them, we still won't have access to CGI at
OneNet -- it's a corporate policy they don't want to budge on. From
talking with one of the owners, there are no restrictions on what you
can put there -- provided that it doesn't do anything evil. The
other good thing about OneNet's corporate accounts is that they
provide EXCELLENT stats tracking for free. I think they have a
sample at www.acmepet.com/stats.html. That's something IAC doesn't