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Some response to this page from a fellow journeyer

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Definition of Creation Spirituality by Rosemary Radford Reuther from Jan. 1990 CS magazine

Definition of Creation Spirituality by Jon R. Beimer. Reprinted from Ant Dancing Like a Deer, a Creation Spirituality newsletter

My own personal Creation Spirituality testimony

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What is Creation Spirituality?

Creation Spirituality has many forms as I see it. It seems to be the way that it's most popular spokesperson and theologian today, Matthew Fox sees it as well. Creation Spirituality is a call to uncover the dimensions of living and being that have been driven from the realm of our "sacred halls" and into disuse and atrophy. All of us have suffered from this cultural injury, and some rebel, while others try to sound the call within their own traditions.

The wisdom of "non-Western" and non-patriarchal religions has been shut out by most of Western Christianity, especially by that of the "fundamentalist" mentality. (I propose that it is these groups so labelled that have missed the fundamentals of human community and therefore miss the opportunities to learn from the wisdom and revelations of these people from within their own quests and expereinces in truth-seeking, community building, and connection to the earth.

For me , the Creation Spirituality movement is a reconciling movement; one which appeals to many who would be valuble helps to the church and yet cannot feel comfortable with the omissions of the more mystical, natural, and patriarchical tendencies of Western Spirituality. Many who would otherwise reject the whole church can find in this welcoming and encouraging theological community a spiritual groundedness and ecumenical spirit that builds up and edifies.

I am starting this series of links with my own beginnings of a Creation Spirituality testimony, and then include two articles from the archives of Creation Spirituality magazine on defining Craetion Spirituality.

I hope that eventually the Craetion Spirtuality magazine publishers and the voices of Creation Spirituality can join here and build a community in the deep-ecumenical spirit that is championed by this theology.

Mail me comments, suggestions, warnings, flames, whatever  This site maintained and researched by Dale Lature, Lavergne, TN