A Clue on "Historical Christianity"

Date: Tue, 10 Oct 95 12:56:17 -0700

From: Student Netscape User <student@mercury.gc.peachnet.edu>

Organization: Gainesville College

To: dlature@comcast.net

Subject: Your "theology"

You have no idea of what historical Christianity really means. You are

grossly misinformed though obviously searching. Currently, you are

tampering with the occult and you need do some more reading before you

give "spiritual" advice to others.What you are promoting is nothing more

than New Age thought and Hinduism.Check it out for yourself.

My response:

At 12:56 PM 10/10/95 -0700, you wrote:

>You have no idea of what historical Christianity really means. You are

>grossly misinformed though obviously searching. Currently, you are

>tampering with the occult and you need do do some more reading before you

>give "spiritual" advice to others.What you are promoting is nothing more

>than New Age thought and Hinduism.Check it out for yourself.

Where did I promote Hinduism?

And what does historical Christianity mean? Tell me your thoughts.

I am very interested to know what you think. I am quite sure I will agree with most of what you say, but also quite sure that you have added quite a bit to what I consider to be THE major point: Christ is central.. Also, since I have done my life's study in a Biblical setting, and I am very interested to know what you think is not historical about what I said.

And what is "occult" in what I have said?

This is all very interesting.

And yes, I am searching. Have you arrived? Are you at a place where you know what it's all about? All I know is that Christ rules. Got any argument with that? Christ was God incarnate. Any problem there?

To bring anything else into the equation is heresy. You seem to have added quite a few other requirements. If I have missed some, please let me know.

You seem to think that having Christ in your life means that you will think like a fundamentalist. If you think fundamentalism is historical Christianity, then think again. It's only 100-125 years old.

Please elaborate. I am quite sure this could be fruitful for us both.

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