Internet Theological Studies

This is a place where we can share links to sites hosting theological studies, including

mailing the URL's here by clicking on this link.

I am presently involved in a group exploring doing Dmin work online . IN fact, our exploration IS our DMin work. We plan to meet in Baltimore at Ecunet in Cyberspace in May to discuss our project phase after we have completed a theoretical stage in which we pull together results and prior work on our chosen areas of study. I am studying this very thing I am trying to do here: The use of Computer Mediated Communication for doing Theological Education and other communicative tasks faced by churches, theological organizations and schools, and ministry groups.

It will be one of the tasks of this page to report on the discussions that go on at this meeting and others like it. We can do that here as well, together, via email and see the results of our discussion on this Web.

A new book, Internet for Christians provides a good introduction to the Internet and its possibilities for the church and theological organizations. Best of all, there is a Virtual Appendix to the book to keep it up to date. The author (Quentin Shultze) also publishes an online newsletter which is also available via email.

Stay tuned for further developments. If anything, you can always surf other places via my "Webbed bookmarks" which I have shared here.

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