New Media Communications 2.0: A Great Good Place for the Theological Community 

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MY writing background has prepared me to be an "editor" .

My background in "resource" shopping and "keeping up" with "curicculum for ministry and education" has become very "computerized", and I live that out by pursuing a place in the church as an "information manager" to help "prepare a way through the infoglut" and summarize the best and most promising tools that I can see, read of, use, and gather stories and testimonies concerning usage and application.
My recent experiences of being introduced to the Christian Ministries Center at the University of Cincinnati has caused in me a sense of new "seeds" in the growth of my vision for New Media Communications. Here is an organization bringing together several kinds of ministries, several of which I feel New Media Communications can be a resource.

The Christian Ministries Center also is a resource for my mission, for it can provide a context and an orgainzational community umbrella for my work. The work of being an information resource to the Church works much better within such an umbrella, and we all get to benefit one another with our resources we bring to the community. We are also able to share certain expensive and/or rare resources such as building space, contact lists, and denominational funds.


Mail me comments, suggestions, warnings, flames, whatever  This site maintained and researched by Dale Lature, Lavergne, TN