New Media Communications 2.0: A Great Good Place for the Theological Community 

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I feel very self-conscious about this as I have been extending feelers out to see if I might find a new place to serve. It may well be some time before I can do something fulltime in computer communications and electronic publishing. I hope not, but I feel I have let my excitement about these developments cloud my judgment Last September, I was dismissed from the company a friend of mine had invited me to join. It turned out to be a hellish job for me, one where I felt my best talents were wasted. Janet had become pregnant in August. When I lost that job, she became very anxious. I was too, but I felt confident that I could do well by us by starting up this business which I had "moonlighted" with over the past 7 years.

There was also a project going on with Tom Boomershine at United Seminary (a New Testament Professor who has done much research on translating the Bible into New Media Forms, and had begun work with the American Bible Society on developing a "Multimedia Bible". They had produced one story and made a video which would play from within a multimedia software program from videodisc, and had several interactive elements. I was very impressed and excited by this effort.) I went up when I heard about it (actually just a week before I was let go by my friend's company).

After my dismissal, there was talk of the ABS funding a project at United to do further development on the Multimedia Bible out of a class on the Book of Acts. I joined the "proposed team" as a multimedia software consultant who would be responsible for designing the elements of our content and production into the existing "Linkway Live" software program (IBM's DOS based multimedia authoring software). It was not long before word came back that there would be no money for this.

I think there are brighter days ahead for those who can contribute to this growth of new technology. But I have to find something more stable than self-employment. I applied for three different sales positions earlier this month, and none panned out (the one still up fro grabs is the one I would most like: a local computer store dealing with both Macs and PCs, and seems to be growing).
I would rather find a church where I could utilize my gifts, and ideally, work for a seminary or denomination or ecumenical agency in growing a computer communications system involving networking, databases of resources and information, and electronic publishing.


Mail me comments, suggestions, warnings, flames, whatever  This site maintained and researched by Dale Lature, Lavergne, TN