
fire, fire, yeah, yeah.

well, you sead to send flames or whatever. so here's some flames. or 
something. meow. if you want to write back, w/b to XRMM38D@prodigy.
com yeah, i have one of those stupid prodigy addresses. i used to be 
Dithmit and/or FnS Ducks at aol, and soon i'll be delia@mv.com, but 
not yet. a month or so. um, hello i don't know you but i need info on 
the celestine prophecy and james redfield, if you can find anything 
or send me your personal though on the book, or on the insights, etc. 
it's for an english (american literature to be precice) project i 
have to do, and at least i picked a good book, right? well, ttyl, 
even though i don't have a clue as to who you are.

                                 - delia "deets" the female tenor.