Creation Spirituality, etc
Very pleased to find this site on the web. I have only moved onto internet
during the past week or so. For years I have searched for others to think
over my own growth or 'story' if you wish. Thought of contacting Matthew
Fox since he so often seems to be writing directly to me. But knowing how
busy such a person must be I have been too shy.
Can easily identify with your seminary experiences. I have a sacred music
degree from Union Theological Seminary in NYC (1956) and can understand
all that you have written about changes since those days. I have watched
with interest the developments in the Southern Baptist Seminary, and felt
sad that such 'warfare' was necessary. My wife and I spent several years
teaching music and directing choirs, playing church services, etc at
Silliman University in the Philippines. The sadness to us there was the
feeling fostered by both Spanish and American missionaries that anything
western is better than the native worship. Very sad.
Will watch with great interest developments on this site. Thank you for
providing such a place! and for being so understanding.