Gregory J. E. Rawlins Moths to the Flame
"Electropolis: Communication and Community on Internet Relay Chat."
by John Seabrook
Slouka War
of the Worlds Harper
Collins/Basic Books)
Public Life in Electropolis. Stacy Horn, William Mitchell, Howard Rheingold and Mark Slouka discuss virtual communities. (August 15 '95)
John Suler:The Psychology of Cyberspace
Dreams by
Mark Stefik
Teilhard de Chardin
The Third Wave, by Alvin Toffler, futurist
Resource Review (Paper reviewing SOME of the major works listed here)
Statement of Goals and Learnings Sought
Intro to Larger Research on Theology, the Internet , and the Church
to New Media Communications Home Page
Me Comments, Suggestions, Resources or links to resources for this study