DaemonMOO's Philosophical Dictionary of Cyberspace
Gender and Identity on the Internet: Brenda Danet
'Gender, Pseudonyms and CMC': J. Michael Jaffe et al.
Amusing Ourselves To Death? An online university lecture about virtual communities and the imagined
Women in Cyberspace
Donna Haraway Donna Haraway and the Cyborg
Accessing Antiquity: the Computerization of Computer Classics, edited by Jon Solomon
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
White House to Your House: Media and Politics in Virtual America
Text, Knowledge, and Pedagogy in the Electronic Age
Myron Tuman, in his recent book Word Perfect: Literacy in the Computer Age
Quotes from Tuman, M. (1992) Word Perfect: Literacy in the Computer Age. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh University Press.
Terence Mckenna and altered states.
"Post-Gutenberg Galaxy: The Fourth Revolution in the Means of Production of Knowledge"
AntiNet.html Critical Views of the Net
"As We May Think" Bush, Vanevar
"Formatting Patrimony: Deifying the Digital Word" Palatella, John
DuckSoup (Documents About Cyberculture)
Utopian Promises - Net Realities by Steve Kurtz of the Critical Art Ensemble
Electric Communities - The Habitat & Electric Communities Papers
on Virtual Communities
Re:WIRED The Workshop for the Invention and Research of Electronic Discourse is an association of students and teachers at the University of Florida. We are actively engaged in exploring the possibilities opened by electronic media and computer technology for the production and transmission of knowledge.
New Communities/New Communication: Big Sky Telegraph and its Community
Communites in Cyberspace: Perspectives on New Forms of Social Organization
Inhabiting the virtual city: The design of social environments for electronic communities
John Tolva
Hypertext and Hypermedia: A Select Bibliography
On-Line Literary Resources: Bibliography & History of the Book
J.C. Herz Surfing the Internet
CR Associates - The "Information Superhighway" Bibliography
The Internet Classroom Booklist
CYBERSPACE: First Steps ed. by Michael Benedikt, University of Texas, Austin
CINC: Wellman and Gulia - NET SURFERS DON'T RIDE ALONE :Communities in Cyberspace. Virtual Communities: When Social Networks are Computer Networks. Milena Gulia & Barry Wellman (University of Toronto,.
Prior (Phase 1) papers in this study
Statement of Goals and Learnings Sought
Intro to Larger Research on Theology, the Internet , and the Church
to New Media Communications Home Page
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