New Media Communications 2.0: A Great Good Place for the Theological Community 

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But is this just a "Web tendency?" Isn't this what most of life is like? Don't we tend to "take in" things from all manner of directions, and filter down to those things which act upon our curiosity, and cast our attention upon these?

As in a library visit, when we are looking up a particular book that we have found in a card catalog description, we often find ourselves picking up other books with tilles or covers which catch our eye, and so, in a serendipitous manner, veer off in new directions from some other "link" in the world of the library shelves.

The WWW is very much like this, only the "links" are plastered all over nearly every page we read, beckoning us to "check out this cool site" on a subject which interests us.

It's not just the library where this happens. There are all kinds of social functions where people gather, both formal and informal, where a particular theme attracts the crowds, and then the participants meet others with similar interests, or can view a gathering of resources and information about a particular theme.

Advertisers work this way as well, focusing on their efforts to offer a particular product to a particular crowd based on the "data" about that crowd which statistics tell them are the most likely candidates.

WIRED article about advertising


Mail me comments, suggestions, warnings, flames, whatever  This site maintained and researched by Dale Lature, Lavergne, TN