There is a tendency for the carrier of subversive information to be characterized as evil. Therefore, new media are resisted by those who benefit from the censorship of such new channels of communication.
We've heard a lot of debate (at least I have) about this new media of Computer Mediated Communication. It is asked whether or not this medium is "appropriate" for communication of the kind carried on by the Church.
There is far too much focus on what is missing in CMC instead of what is added. In many cases, the harshest critics are those who have an interest in avoiding the move to the new media. There is also too much interest in censoring the network because of the presence of questionable material. One might as well vote to censor the world on the same logic. The presence of undesirable behavior somewhere does not reflect the total value of the possibilities everywhere.
It should be apparent that on this Web, I am proposing that it is. But there are warnings I want to heed. It is asked whether or not this medium does not distract us from the work of community in the face to face sense, or that important elements of face to face relationships are absent in CMC communication. These questions are important, but there are advantages AND disadvantages to both.
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