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Smart Church Mobs 2

From p.170 of  Smart Mobs , Rheingold's new book.  He talks here about Smart Mobs (synonomous with "Mobile ad hoc social network", since both describe

the new social form made possible by the combination of computation, communication, reputation, and location awareness.....Social network means that every individual in a smart mob is a "node" in the jargon of social network analysis, with social "links" (channels of communication and social bonds) to other individuals. Nodes and links, the elements of social networks made by humans, are also the fundamental elements of communication networks constructed from optical cables and wireless devices--one reason why new communication technologies make possible profound social changes.

The notionof "nodes and links" sets off in my mind a connection to the idea of what a Church or theological community can build in as "smart mobs" continue to increase in our society. 

The Wearable Computing Group specializes in exploring the community aspects of wireless, wearable, and peer-to-peer technologies. (Gerd) Kortuem agreed with my assessment when I called him to talk about the research at the University of Oregon. "When I talk about community," he told me, "I mean both the users who form social networks when they interact personally and communities of developers, like the open source community, where each member shares ideas and contributes to building something larger."46 Telephone interview by Rheingold with Gerd Korteum, 27 February, 2002. (from p. 170 in Smart Mobs)

This "something larger" suggests in my mind a connection to that "something larger" which our community seeks to tap into.  In many cases, the "something larger" intersects with the "larger" things in secular but humane agendas,  and these "humane" agendas represent for me something akin to the idea that God calls all of humanity to some good work,  and does it constantly throughout the world and throughout our lives.   And so why wouldn't I,  a computer geek and a servant of God and one who seeks points of convergence between the two as a way of serving the gospel by helping top enhance those personal communication "extensions" provided by portable technology. 

For me, this is one of those "kairos" times in the growth of communication technologies hosted by Net Connections; yes,  even in the history of communication via technological means.  The smart mobs idea/reality/emergence is an evolutionary step whose host technologies are picking up a head of steam.

My work group at the office are all "PDA-enabled" (except for me.....I think I have to get serious here about finding a way to "equip" myself.   I had already begun to covet a Digital Photo Camera when my Weblog began to jell and take shape.  Now,  Howard Rheingold has increased the covet list,  as I feel that perhaps a Pocket PC or PDA may be higher on the list,  so that I can be a participant in this,  and begin the journey of exploring the mobile community possibilities for the Church. 

Oh,  for a "Research and Development" commitment by some group in the Church to begin building for this eventuality.  Just as Theological Communties finally realized the neccessity of utilizing the Internet and The Web for communicating their information and "selling their wares",  the Smart Church Mob" is needed in order to maintain a prescence in the forefront of the communicating crowd.  As companies prepare for Web Services and such things as (.Net, as ours is),  the Church needs to have people thinking about what "Web Services" would be appropriate for a "wired/mobile" Church.  "Wired" has become "Wired and/or Un-wired" as cables are cut and the airwaves become the latest greatest Frontier.  What if the "Kingdom of God is among you" begins to become a reality in the sense of becoming represented in the bandwidth of communications taking place in the airwaves around us?  Already,  the Web has opened up "places" online where the sense of "gathering" is very palatable in a social and spirtual sense.  What will emerge from this as the "always" connected aspects of online community extends in to the PDA/PocketPC/mobile device world,  where you "carry it with you" and your device alerts you to events for which you have asked for updates and information? 

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