Share Christ's message with the church and the world
Christ's message exists in so many places of intersection between personal call and points of need for ministry in the world. As more of us contribute our stories online, in the form of information, interaction, and "related sites" links, we get a very real sense of the "Connection" that exists and calls to us for participation.
Listen to the needs of the church and the world
Through the telling of these stories, and the opportunity we can provide to invite others in as participants (even as they begin as "lurkers" ), we are now able to extend our range of listening.
Interpret the general program of the church to United Methodist Members
Through the "linking" of the programs of the UMC to specific church and individual interests, concerns, and callings, the UMC's programs are brought before the members in the context of their own interests, concerns, and callings.
Promote giving to World Service and other general funds of the church.
The more information we are able to relate to specific concerns of the members and their churches, the more impetus we give to the desire to participate and support.
Create communications systems and print, electronic, and audiovisual resources.
The most extensible communication technology yet known.
Market communication resources to United Methodists, the wider Christian community and the general public.
To teach the Church how to utilize Web technologies. To teach Churches how to "do Church online" ( where Web technologies extend the existing work of the Church, and suggest new cooperatives through the extended connectivity), and to work in the efforts to extend "Internet" literacy through the teaching of needed computer skills and the acquisition of the hardware. (The "Digital Divide" is a Computers/Internet social issue that is brought before us as we see the world growth in Internet usage and the remaining gap between the "information haves and have-nots".
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