Ecumenical Networks
Faith and Values and Ecunet have two pieces of the puzzle that seem to stay apart in most incarnations of online theological community. I have had conversations, extensive ones with Ecunet people, on these things. Ecunet has great potential to grow into leveraging newer Web technologies. Web Services seems like a natural for them. It would provide a way for them to offer online community to a variety of Web sites, while maintaining the data that would link all of their corporate/outside web sites to the each other and their own Topics offered in house. The recent book by John Hagel III, OUt of the Box, describes the "opportunity" that Web Services represents for companies to leverage diverse applications within the enterprise, adn BETWEEN the enterprises. It seems to fit the philosophical model of the ecumencial organization, in its innate encouragement toward collaboration and "joining forces" by utilizing the skills and "Services" of others.
© Copyright 2003 Dale Lature.
Last update: 9/23/2003; 3:40:07 PM.