TheoBlogical Community
The Blog that took over New Media Communications  A place to reflect and connect on the subject of Theological Community and Online Community


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Blogging and Coding for Support-while-jobhunting

Hesitant to place myself or portray myself as a "professional grade" writer,  I have never considered the "PayBlog",  nor do I think this will be feasible for any but the most sought-after of Blogs.  On the other hand,  this blog has been an extension of my Calling,  which I do consider a ministry.  Someday I hope I will l discover some "Mission group" partners who feel called to the same thing and want to find  a structure for it to be sustained,  either in a Church setting ,  as a "Ministry" supported along with the other "budgeted ministries",  or as a newly conceived department of some Church or ecumenical agency.

In the interim,  while I struggle to find even the most paltry of Web related jobs (even data entry or some almost mindless , repetitive , computer savvy tasks),   I am distracted and pulled away from writing here, and often renedered "blogless" as the uncertainty of the future throws a darkness over me.  I have no doubt accepting the idea that I write just well enough to communicate enough of the vision I have to "connect" with those who have siumilar reactions, feelings, and visions,  to warrant a small portion of those to contribute.  But I don't want to ask.  I don't even want to come close to the notion that it would be selfish for someone to read my stuff , like it,  and not contribute.  That's not the way of the Weblogs ,  or the Web in general. 

My hope is that all this freely available stuff  will someday,  combined with others calling for the same kinds of things,  ----and on many occasions,  doing it far more effectively and eleoquently as I ----- would finally combine to convince the Church world of the importance of online community for the Church,  and of "Social Software", and "building safe places for conversation".  To convince them to the extent that ministry organizations will see the value and invest in education and research and study of Online Social/Psychlogical /Spiritual Issues for the Church. 

But as the
comment I mentioned states:

 I really dig your insight on the relationship between technology and the church, and I think others might want to contribute, too...

But please folks,  DO NOT stop reading because you're "getting something free" from this guy who needs work.  I want to give this away.  The "Tip Jar" is just "a way" to "allow for it".  EVERYONE is still welcome,  and encouraged,  to freely read and peruse.  So here it is,  the button:

Amazon Honor System Click Here to PayLearn More Or, use PayPal (if you can create aaccount (it's free, and secure, just like Amazon. I've found them trustworthy, then this is even better. they don't take out as much as Amazon does)

comment []

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Last update: 9/23/2003; 3:40:56 PM.