At OSG, the "cybergoals" are, among others,
Extending and adding to existing OSG web....portal additions......bookstore data integration
Webs for Media Studies and Churches, TV/Movie Reviews, resources, links, discussions, production of media study pieces.
Lab or "Cyberplace" developments
SmartMobs technologies ramp-up (ie. scheduling, contact infos, blogging remotely, hall rental, group booking, etc.)
Webs for Studies of/in Third Places
Webs for Discussion Forums (linked to Booktables, linked to Bookstore data)
Webs with "Portal-ability" via DotNetNuke and .Net
Webs to aggregate and highlight Weblogs and their place in the OSG schema
Webs for Books/Book talks/Book Authors with Weblogs, encouraging authjors to do Weblog extensions of their books (eg.
Webs for Education (e-learning, e-seminary, online education) (also using some of the above hybrids that create online community)
Webs for OSG Smart Mobs (or is that "Great Good Smart Mobs" ala Smart Mobs and Great Good Places)
Webs for Online Community Studies; Social Psychology of Online Community; CMC; Social Software
Webs for Churches; extending Church groups into online groups; extending the reach; Web hospitality and open discussion, encouraging seekers, highlighting the interests and gifts of your Church or theological community, encouaging weblogs and web stories, Smart Mobbing the Church
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