Church of the Saviour
Being Church, Stories from the COS Community, The Church in Dialogue With Culture


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  Monday, December 02, 2002

Weblogs, COS Style

The Church of the Saviour's model has stuck with me.  I can't shake it.  I don't hink I'm supposed to.  They have an intentional structure desiogned to INSURE that people cannot be merely observers,  or quiet devotion-seekers who lap up spiritual nuggets ,  do their "duty" to God,  and then proceed back into the "other life" which is their "real world". 

Gordon Cosby would tell them that the Church is about opening up the REALLY REAL world and confront the false worlds that most of us consider at most times to be the REAL WORLD.  So what keeps us coming back and continuing to search for the "Blessed Community"; the "Comapny of the Committed"?  It's the notion that the real world has receded into a place where we have to seek and pay attention and step outside our "apparent reality" and look at both sides -- so that we can truly be "IN the world but not OF it".  A big piece of this alternate,  but really ACTUAL Reality is the alternative community life of the followers of Christ.  It is where we enter the space where TO BE KNOWN is the operating principle.  Our journeys are not unknown.  We do not struggle in this life alone.  We are called to not only a mission but to a community from which we draw encouragement and direction for the mission.

I came to these envisionings via Books about the Church of the Saviour,  along with a small group of other curious seekers,  and we mulled this over.  Something keeps linking this vision to this whole Weblog phenomenon.....I set up a Category for COS,  added some articles,  and have left it untouched for about 3 months,  but always wondering about how fellow seekers after accountable discipleship of the COS variety might find one another and draw some kind of personal and spiritual sustenance (sp?) from (the interlinking of and subscribing to) Weblogs.

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11:15:32 AM    

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