Monday, July 07, 2003 |
Cafes, Coffeeshops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons and other hangouts at the heart of a community by Ray Oldenburg
Now that I'm looking to do some work for one of these Great Good Places (there's a chapter on it in Celebrating Third Places: Inspiring Stories about the Great Good Places at the Heart of Our Communities), I brought home a second edition copy to re-read and reflect upon the things in it with an eye to thinking about these issues in terms of how some of this can help us to make the Web reflect more of those things which make OSG a Great Good Place.
10:51:34 PM
 Pocket PC search commences. In conjunction with my start of some new development, I have also been charged with finding a Pocket PC that will suit me (and preferrably, not become obsolete too quickly). I have always fancied the Phone/PDA combo, and certainly want to be able to run Pocket PC OS (since our shop is prettymuch a Microsoft dominated shop ---eg. Outlook, Windows 2000 ssoon to be 2003 --- and I will be introducing them to some .Net based stuff soon as well)
Anyway, I thought my Weblog here would be a good place to open up some possible input from some readers out there, and suggestions for good resources as well as recommendations about Pocket PC/Phone combos. Some guy at Best Buy told me that there's a lot of pause going on in the industry in anticipation of SmartPhone OS stuff, and so I looked up some of that. I saw someone last week with the Samsung SGH-i700, which from what I read is available via Verizon (although their website didn't know that mwhen I followed the link that said "Buy it through Verizon"). Anyway, I'm just starting to sort through this. I also wonder sometimes about the advice from BestBuy employees (one in the TV department told me that HDTV was not avilable over the air until 2005, and then within that same week a Nashville station announced it's now broadcasting it. 3 Cincinnati stations have for a couple of years. The FCC already gave an ultimatum not too long ago that stations have to make it available in the next year or so (or something soon).
Anyway, any comments, recommendations welcome
4:47:53 PM
I'm a blogger so I won't be so diplomatic about the issues in the article on Ethics Daily today. They report on a Florida Baptist State newspaper's slamming of their (EthicsDaily's) coverage of Al Mohler's speech at the Southern Baptist Convnetion this year.
I especially want to comment on this:
"In a chapel address in 2001, not long after that year's Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Mohler said not only is it a mistake to say Muslims worship the same God as Jews and Christians, but that Christians and Jews don't worship the same deity, either."
Read my latest Baptist rant on this one, where I start in on the above summary of a Mohler speech
12:43:00 PM
From Smart Mobs, and higly relevant to some of the Smart Mobs for which we hope to begin providing in the environment where we are exploring "Great Good Place Technologies", which means we are to be part Social Software, part Smart Mob( which is also very much about social software running on social technology tools -- "scaffolding for social psychology). Anyway, this is posted direct to radio from Smart Mobs
Notes On Moblogging Conference.
Adam Greenfield, who was one of the people instrumental in developing the conference, wrote a long article about the history, evolution and dynamics of mobile blogging. If you care about Weblogs or wireless, it's well worth reading.
One part of Adam's presentation highlights uses of camera phones. This is useful because it should start people thinking (hear that cellular operators?!) about how people are using camera phones. Here are Adam's illustrations:
* "Do NOT use this bus stop - no fewer than three of my friends have been mugged here over the last year. If you must use it, be sure and stand on the south side [picture], where the light from the bodega reaches."
* "I love this magazine stand!!! Lots of cute ppl, you can always get hard to find stuff like French Vogue, and there's a soup bar around the corner which serves tasty minestrone. (+1 Mildly Informative, rated by 21 users.)"
* "This is the car that hit her - this happened right here last night (corner of Geary and Divisadero), at 9:31. Sorry it's so blurry, but I took the picture with my phone. If anyone has any information on this car or its driver, please mail me, or call SFPD Sergeant Bill Fong at 555-1212. Jill is OK, but she won't be running anywhere for awhile."
* "I saw David Beckham at the Shinjuku tsutaya about half an hour ago, third fl. He looked fashed but then again I would too. Anyway I rented Donnie Darko cuz the cover looked cool, but haven't watched it yet. Is it any good."
* "You're on the corner of Washington and Greene facing southeast. In front of you is what is now NYU's Main building. Now look up - you're looking at the site of the worst fire in the history of New York City. On March 25th, 1911, 146 women doing textile piecework burned to death inside of fifteen minutes because the bosses had locked the doors on them." [Smart Mobs]
12:08:15 PM
An article about the beginnings of WIRED magazine in Business 2.0 (July issue) have me thinking about how the Church (see my article WIRED thoughts ) could use a mag that calls it to explore the possibilities like WIRED did for all of us.
11:51:00 AM
I have begun setting up shop in anticipation of the beginnings of some remote work to be done for Old St. George on their Web environment, Wireless network datastores, their bookstore and its use of book data in Forum discussions, Weblogs, and much more. Exciting times. I have awakened each day with a sense of expectation and energy I haven't felt in quite a long time.
The questions of exactly how much pay will be available to me how soon is still being ironed out. The intent right now is to find some funds from various sources for the next 90 days, such as......Read on here
10:43:33 AM
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