The new toy, which I got at a good closeout.
The WiFi spot convenient to me in Southeast Nashville (Lavergne) is Perk Central. I went there the night I got the Pocket PC (a couple weeks ago), and was unable to connect. That Sunday, I tried 3 spots in the Vanderbilt area (Bongo Java on the Belmont Campus...or acrosss the street, anyway), CoCoCafe, and Fido, all of which I was able to access and surf. When I went back to Perk Central, I was still unable to connect. Today, I was able. The person at the counter said someone had installed a new router.
That's next on my plan. Getting a Wireless blanket for the house.
When I was at Perk Central earlier (which I described above), I also wrote a little entry and added it to my Movable Type Blog, since that blog is accessed and edited at the server.
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