Back from a DC Week

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I left last Thursday for DC, drove all day (11 hours), and got to Rolling Ridge Retreat Center in the panhandle of W.Va. near Washington DC (well, about 70 miles out) about 1030pm. My friend Bob Sabath now makes his home there. I spent Friday and Saturday night at Bob's old house in Mt. Ranier MD just over the DC/Maryland line, where his son, daughter, and daughter-in-lawnow live. I spent Friday night and all-day Saturday in Columbia Heights/Adams-Morgan, with my "base of operations" at the Potter's House on Columbia Road. I also returned there Sunday morning for 8th Day Community's Sunday morning worship and the "Headquarters" ecumenical worship at 11:30, from where I returned to Rolling Ridghe via Dayspring, the Retreat grounds for the Church of the Saviour communities which they've had since 1953, when they purchased it, about 45 minutes north of the city. Now, "civilazation" is incringing upon their rural retereat. (I have pictures, whcih are forthcoming)

Anyway, I'm back, and I have a booklet that I came away with which is a crucial piece of what I brought back from that 4 days in DC. Becoming the Authentic Church, which seems to be a current statement of the telos of the Church of the Saviour communities. The back of the booklket says this:

Contained within these pages is one simple way we might live more authentically as the diverse and healing communi8ty of Jesus Christ. Journey with us.

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This page contains a single entry by Dale published on November 16, 2005 8:11 AM.

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