Customizing Code For Category

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OK! I'm almost there on the customization of the look for certain Categories.
In this post earlier, Eric and Dave offered help. The links Dave pointed to were the easiest solution for my feeble MT mind to grasp. Worked like a charm. Eric had helped me before figure out where to put the css change for the blockquote , which I had applied at one time but since moving to StyleCatcher and its "dual" stylesheets (where styles-site.css imports two stylesheets. I guess I could add the mt IfCategory tag in the template file, just after the css call, as a condition to pull in a particular css file AFTER that so that its settings override any previously set styles? Am I on the right track?

For example, right now, styles-site.css has this:

/* This is the StyleCatcher theme addition. Do not remove this block. */
@import url(/movtyp/mt-static/themes/base-weblog.css);
@import url(/movtyp/mt-static/themes/theme-theoblogicalOld/theme-theoblogicalOld.css);
/* end StyleCatcher imports */
.AuthenticChurch {
padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
background-color: #effbdb;
border: solid 1px #7c9e40;

I added the special section for AuthenticChurch below it based on this link's suggestion

If I then do this:
Then in your Main Index template, add the div class
<div class="<$MTEntryCategory$>">
just after the MTEntries tag. Close the tag by adding a </div> before the closing MTEntries tag.

then I should see the .AuthenticChurch class get called. Let's try it.

Update: 9:48pm It all works.

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By the way, this is a really cool idea. This is giving me some ideas that I hadn't thought about for for when I redesign my own blog someday.



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