Itunes RSS feeds changed

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I don't know exactly when, but sometime between Saturday and Monday, my iTunes feed that was validating just fine at (see it here is gettg error s now, saying the feed is not valid .

Today, this new error apperared: iTunes elements should only be present in feeds encoded as UTF-8
Yesterday, this was not even there. What changed from Saturday to yesterday was that my URL for the DTD was throwing an error: When I changed the case of DTDs to dtds and the filename Podcast-1.0.dtd to podcast-1.0.dtd , then the error went away.

Yesterday, and still today, this error :
column 0: Undefined item element: itunes:category (3 occurrences)
<itunes:category text="Religion & Spirituality"></itunes:category>

I fussed with this for quite a while yesterday, trying to get it to validate. Finally, I went ahead and tried putting the feed into my iTunes software, and it loaded fine. I put the Feed into Sage. Again fine. INto Bloglines, fine as well.

So is it that is confused? And why the change in case on the DTD file?

I'm confused.

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This page contains a single entry by Dale published on November 8, 2005 6:42 PM.

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