Just a Vocal Portion

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The Christian Blogosphere: what some in it are currently saying about Iraq | blogs4God

Of course neither my view or the views held in the above link represent the Christian blogosphere in it's entirety - just a vocal portion of it.

Of course. Of course, also, these "vocal voices" are not at all representative of those who are vocal (me for instance, or an entire contingent of thousands who agree with Jim Wallis that the Religiour Right does not speak for all Christians. But that whole issue is effectively sidestepped and ignored in so many of the "sub-blogospheres" purporting to represent "God-centered Blogs". I posted on this yesterday, and got comnments back and an email saying "You're welcome to post anything you want here, as long as its civil". I commented back and said something to the effect of "I thought Blogs4God was an aggregator and "summary" type of blog portal, and for over a year, you were linking to articles of mine with regularity. Since the election season and my voicing of sharp criticisms and concerns about the Bush administration, it's like I've dropped off the radar. I said I didn't really plan on c oming over to Blogs4God and post comments there. I expect, as always, to post what I belive to be pressing questions and rant on these questions for a time. I expect that since we all have blogs, that anyone can post rebuttals. I want to avoid comment section wars of words, which is what I expect will happen inevitably if I post my viiews there, but blogs can certainly be distributed conversation, and so I prefer to wait and see if this whole issue is considered woirthy of mention as Blogs4God summarizes the "interesting posts of the day". And of course, I'm not going to censor any comments that may be entered on my blog either. If anyone wants a debate about peace and Iraq and such, then we'll have one.

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This page contains a single entry by Dale published on November 23, 2005 8:27 AM.

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