The Meaning of Christmas acc. to Bill O'Reilly

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O'Reilly: "Every company in America should be o ... [Media Matters]

O'REILLY: What's happened is frightening. A legal assault by the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union] combined with the media that blatantly promotes secularism has succeeded in convincing some Americans that the words 'Merry Christmas' are inappropriate while celebrating the national holiday of Christmas.

This, of course, is nuts. Anyone offended by the words 'Merry Christmas' has problems not even St. Nicholas could solve.

Every company in America should be on its knees thanking Jesus for being born. Without Christmas, most American businesses would be far less profitable; more than enough reason for businesses to be screaming Merry Christmas.

Here's the
Video provided by Media Matters

Now there's a novel idea (really, not so's been almost implied for eons) : that Jesus was born in order to generate business. There's the gospel according to O'Reilly, and the "apostles" of the airwaves that pollute Christian Faith with unabashed consumerism/Americanism/free-marketism.

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