To Be In the World

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Movable Theoblogical: Becoming The Authentic Church

For me the central question is what it means to be the authentic church of Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected. What is its nature? Its essence? And how can that essence be structured and expressed so as to become a healing agent for the world?

It's not a question any longer of which issues are of primary concern and what kinds of programs might best serve those issues, but a question of being. How are we to be in the world so as to live the Jesus life with greater boldness and passion?

Whoa. How are we to BE in the world? And the other questions, such as what to do as "Recovering Cultural Addicts". This is a major reason why God calls unto himself a church. To BE together against the snares of the culture that knows not God. Gordon told me when I spoke with him MOnday that an alcoholic can go to an AA meeting for help staying sober over the weekend. Where do we go to "get sober" from our addiction to culture? Rare is the church which takes us somewhere else that is OTHER than culture. Only God can lead us there. Only the prescence and being of Christ can do that.

I have a few video avi clips of that conversation that I will share along with the text from this wonderful booklet , Becoming the Authentic Church. For anyone who wants to comment on any of this, Gordon Cosby and the people with whom he is on journey with want to know what you think, and what some of this means to you.

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