"a place where my visions as a Web developer might somehow aid in enabling the church to express its personality and mission in the "place" called ......what is it called?....it's not "cyberspace" anymore, although that had a nice ring to it "a place called cyberspace". Now it's just "The Net" or "The Web".
and Getting a Clue in the Church
Somehow, I feel that there is a whole lot of possibility for online communication to be a place of aggregating reousrces and conversaton around missions which are run by people who have been called to do something, and to do this in community which has the needed ftf elements, but is "extended" into online technologies that provide what seems to me to be an "extended presence"; that the immeidate and constant availability of others for dialogue and conversation and resource suggestions makes this mission community seem to jump out of time constaints and into a context where the door is always literally open, and people can talk at literally any hour of the night, even when most of the participants are asleep.