Saturday, May 31, 2003 |
In A Letter exploring being a Fellow to help Seminaries teach Web Communication, I have edited the ideas expressed in an email I sent , where I suggest some of the roles I could play in a Seminary setting, exploring, implementing, and helping to provide resources to pastors and communicators in the Church about the possibilities for community and education online. My reference to "Fellow" is reference to the "Fellowships" offered by educational institutions for grant-funded or scholarship funded work being done in conjunction with some field of study. As you may know if you've read many other posts on this Weblog, I am very much advancing the idea of some serious focusing of effort by Churches, and by implication, the trainers of the leaders of those Churches, the Seminaries, on "getting to know" the Web and the ways we can do new kinds of communication using it.
1:34:06 PM
I moved it to a story in My Dream Job. In summary, it has to do with a Center for Church, Culture and Communication (similar to the Resource Center for Media, Religion and Culture site at the University of Colorado's Center for Mass Media Research.) and includes such really "cool" and "with it" and "fun" stuff like blogging the big events and conferences.
11:44:00 AM
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